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Fit, athletic, or very muscular, clean, pride in appearance, positive outlook on life. I try to live drama free and be as light hearted as possible and I really enjoy making people smile or laugh or make things a little better for a brief moment. Nude girls from Williamsport.
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Someone to hold my hand, someone to make me laugh and make me feel good. Regular members may contact me.
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A little awkward to start and you will have to be upfront with what you want, but once I get more comfortable, then we should be fine.

Additional consideration given for long(er) hair, and dresses/skirts. Here are a few words that describe me: - Adventurous: Sticky situations, here I come!

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High sexal love for a goddess, knows what she wants communicate makes it erotic. A guy that can link a few times a week. Wife doesnt really care but still would prefer to be mostly discreet. Horny girls in Lincoln. I work an opposite schedule from my partner and I am looking to meet some new friends.So if my profile intrest you please feel free to leave me a message i do answer all my messages. Ideally I would find a man and a woman where both fully participate, but a I also sometimes just enjoy just being with men.
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