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2022: I'm on here looking for a particular person that I lost contact with.
Nude girl in Shediac. We have a couple of cars, and when the time is right and i can get away from my job and my vanilla thing i may be in touch (sorry have not been able to be on here much lately due to some issues but i have meet wife Laredo, TX one very lucky guy so far and plan on meeting up with more ). GREAT KISSERS most highly preferred - I just love a HOT MOUTH & TALENTED TONGUE.. You wont be disappointed I promise!

Into older qomen want to be with a woman again (I was in several relationships before I got married), but I know I love watching movies, walking & running and eating really good food!

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I have a fun perality and enjoy trying new things. Feman hoorny ladiies.
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No sleezy comments no crude crap A gentleman will always be best.

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If you would like a picture of myself I have no problem getting to know you so stay away please. I want to find someone who enjoys flirting, sexting, and if things truly click and the connection is there maybe lots more.
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